In Jacquie Sullivan we have an example of what believers can do when they are focused on the well being of the nation. She saw a need, organized a solution and went to work.

      She is an example to you and to me of what can be done in the political arena. There is a power dormant in America. An untapped power of faith deposited by God in his people.

      Jacquie has more than faith. She has vision. She saw the work of the Devil and decided to do what she could to destroy it. Believers in America have long been leaderless. A Christian nation without a strong Bishop at the helm to reprove and rebuke Presidents and draw the line.

      We need more Jacquie Sullivans. Will you be one? Will you build the new creature in Christ in you and do something for God and country?

      She saw sinners across the nation attacking the precious heritage we enjoyed printing "IN GOD WE TRUST" on our money, and hanging reminders of our trust on the walls of government buildings.

      She began mailing information packets to city clerks with the help of a dozen volunteers and a very small budget knowing there were people of faith out there planted by God who would respond favorably to the idea of displaying the "IN GOD WE TRUST" message in government buildings.

      Now nearly thirty California cities have the message on display. It is our duty to battle powers and principalities acrosss this great nation. The city of Bakersfield has the right idea.

      We are losing this battle but it is not lost unless we surrender this great nation to the Devil. If you don't know what to do, find someone who does.


      Jacquie heard a Christian radio station saying protesters on the East Coast were trying to remove the phrase from public buildings. She went to work to reverse the damage. Where godliness is removed, the devil comes in to fill the void. We see it happening in the murderous rampages in our nation's schools.

      In the 1950's there were hymns sung in American class rooms with the Word of God freely quoted. When prayer was outlawed, it all came to a halt leaving a void. Jacquie saw wickedness moving against the remaining godly traditions and fought back.

      She believes schools are becoming casual about teaching children to appreciate the ideals and values the United States was founded on, and she thinks it’s important to “get back to the basics.”

      Abraham Lincoln’s last act as president was to order the U.S. Mint to hereinafter inscribe the words “In God We Trust” on the face of all our national coin. Were a President to order this a change now, there would be a national revolt in the streets and in the media.

      America is a backslidden Christian nation. "REBELLION IS WORSE THAN WITCHCRAFT." Rebellion in America is casting a spell over the population so they are blind to the cause of school massacres.

      Do your part.

      The wicked will take God and liberty out of America’s schools, courthouses and history books and ultimately out of the minds of future generations if we stand idly by and permit it.

      The last word on Jacquie Sullivan's campaign was a report every school in Bakersfield was going to have "IN GOD WE TRUST" posted in it. An important gain when you consider evolution and other forms of ungodliness is taught in American schools.

      "In God We Trust"In God We Trust is the official national motto of the United States and the U.S. state of Florida. In God We Trust became the official U.S. national motto after the passage of an Act of Congress in 1956.

      In God We Trust is also found on the flag of Georgia, flag of Florida, and the Seal of Florida. It was first adopted by the state of Georgia for use on flags in 2001, and on the Georgia flag of 2003.

      In Florida, it became the state motto during the term of Republican governor Jeb Bush who signed the bill making it law.

      The message can also be found on the license plates of Indiana, North Carolina, South Carolina and in Ohio it is an option. There are forty six States where it could be made an option but we do not campaign for them to do so because license plates with "IN GOD WE TRUST" is not something we can conceal when persecution comes.

      Those who are "wise as serpents and harmless as doves," choose strategies wisely. Let us campaign for IN GOD WE TRUST on all of our coins, on all of our paper money, on every government building.

      Let us suppose we can drive the Atheists out of business in this matter because Muslims may want IN GOD WE TRUST on all our buildings and coins too,...although their god is of this world,

and we should NOT speak the name of their god;

not out of fear of him,

but out of respect for the secret name of God the great Prophets and Apostles of our most holy faith will speak on Mount Zion when the supernatural will become more manifest for a thousand years than what most of us have experienced in this present world.

      And since everyone puts too much trust in money, what better place to print "IN GOD WE TRUST!"

      "Let's exclaim it!"

      If we have one shot at loving the LORD our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength as a nation;....this is it!"

      After the bloody Civil War people were concerned that God's wrath might come upon them again, and the two cent piece with IN GOD WE TRUST was minted in 1965. As a nation we lost 600,000 dead in the Civil War and the fear of God was increased.

      By 1939 we can see "In God we Trust" was not returned to its former glory on our coins as we examine two quarters here but it worked a benefit to me as a blank soul back when a little money was in my pockets.

      A few decades later, "In God we Trust" was minted on twenty dollar gold pieces but you'll have to look carefully to find it in smaller print.

      IN GOD WE TRUST is a Christian heritage in America. Though Muslims and members of other religions may favor the use of it because they say they believe in God, it was put into use when this country was a Christian nation; and is an important part of our Bible heritage. Believers in America never intended for the meaning of IN GOD WE TRUST to mean IN ALLAH WE TRUST.

      The rebellious say religious freedom includes the right not to believe in the existence of deities which is no belief at all, and therefore is a lie of the Devil himself.

      They say the use of the motto IN GOD WE TRUST infringes upon the religious rights of those whose beliefs do not include a god. What religion? The founding fathers never wrote the free exercise of religion into our Constitution to provide unbelievers with the right to tear down our Christian heritage as a nation.

      Sinners in power say any endorsement of any deity by the government is unconstitutional. Oh my God. If that's true, the American government has been operating illegally from the beginning.

      George Washington indorsed the LORD when he set the Bible on the pulpit of the Presidency saying a nation could not be ruled without it.

      Had he and other godly men not trusted in God, the Revolution would have been lost against the superior power of the British Empire.

      It pays to have a spiritual crutch, but sinners in America are going to have to find out the hard way when their day of reckoning comes.