In this series of the laws of the Spirit which are principles you must adhere to to walk in the Anointing of Christ, and we will address knowledge you ought to understand to walk in the anointing of Christ.

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IS THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS."   (1 Timothy 3:16)

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"I AM THE DOOR: BY ME IF ANY MAN ENTER IN, HE SHALL BE SAVED, AND SHALL GO IN AND OUT, AND FIND PASTURE." (St. John lO:9) It is generally believed that the Lord's anointed are perpetually anointed, and do not have to do anything to enter into the Spirit of Christ who is the anointing. It is stated in Holy Scripture to the contrary. The Lord's anointed must enter in.
Holy men die (to self) daily to enter into the Spirit. (Ref. l Corinthians l5:31) The Apostle Paul wrote that he "died daily." Death of self is a state of being necessary to enter into the anointing of Christ.
Their "GLORY WAS FRESH IN THEM." (Job 29:20) This is a picture of the anointing. Christ manifest in a holy vessel so his glory was fresh in them. In the anointing, the individual becomes exhausted and must rest. Then it is necessary to "HUNGER AND THIRST AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS" again that they might be filled afresh with the inward glory of God.

"There is no man that has power over the Spirit to retain the Spirit;..." (Ecclesiastes 8;8) When a man's life is set apart unto God and he labors to enter into the Spirit, he has no "power over the Spirit to retain the Spirit;..." But by holiness practices he can hope to remain in the Spirit for as long as he has the strength to preach, praise and pray in the Spirit until mortal fatigue overcomes him.
"YET THE INWARD MAN IS RENEWED DAY BY DAY." 2 Corinthians 4:16 In a lecture on the anointing the Apostle Paul explains to the believers in Corinth and down through the centuries the inward man of the apostles is renewed day by day in their lifestyle of bearing the cross daily as living sacrifices. They entered back into the anointing by dying daily to self in the great mystery of godliness.